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What is Religion of Truth? | Origin of Hinduism | Goal of Hinduism | HIstory of Hinduism | Fun facts😊

What is Hinduism? | what is its origin, facts and history.|Goal of this religion| fun fact

➤What is Hinduism?
➤What is it's Origin
➤What about the time of its establishment?
➤Hinduism- A truth or just a fiction
➤Why only hindu religion is truth of religions?
➤     || Fun facts ||
➤How to attain such a realization?
(Attaining Supreme goal in Sanatana Dharma).
➤How Hinduism is Different?

Bhagwan ram photo
pic. Ayodhya ke RAM | LORD RAM |

What is Hinduism?

                   The literal meaning of the word "Hinduis the people who lives beside the river Sindhu, Which connects it with Indus valley civilization but it is not that new.Actually Hinduism is just a synonym of Sanatan Dharma given by people who ruled us for year. It is done to making it easy to understand about the practices done in Sanatan Dharma.  Therefore say it Hinduism or Sanatan Dharma, it is the oldest known religion or a way of living.The Hinduism is a Religion which is believed to exist from the start of time and its evolution has taken place over millions and trillions of year.  

What is it's origin?

                   According to many Scholars Hinduism is the religion made by God (brahma) So it will not exploit anything if we say that Hinduism is religion whose origin is God .

        what about the time of its establishment?

hindu god
pic. Lord Ganesha
                      Hinduism or Sanatan Dharma itself mean eternal i.e. it without any start and end. It is because the god himself made both time and Dharma. So asking about its year of establishment etc. does not come among a wise questions but this question is not without a answer.
                    First of all we should know that there are four yugas combinedly known as known as Catur-yuga. And now we are leaving in kalyuga . And we are now at 5,123th year of Kalyuga and yet 4,26,878 year are left in it.So now you can think of previous three yugas in a Catur-yuga and obviously this is not the first Catur-yuga, many are passed and many yet to come. So just thinking about the exact time will give Goosebumps.Now many people will say that how I believe that Hinduism is religion with truth or just a blind belief.

 Hinduism- A truth or just a fiction 

         Why not a fiction?

            Million of years came and passed but the Hinduism still exists So clearly it is not a fiction because no fiction have these much of life.

  Why only hindu religion is truth of religions?

                 Hinduism is a Dharma which goes side by side with science and truth. Dharma is defined as the innate property principle or principal that tells us about a thing. For example the meaning/dharma of the salt is to be salt or a stone's dharma is to be hard similarly fire is not fire if it doesn't burn. The point is no one can proof forcefully the existence of the Hinduism or any other religion it is something which is self evid.But if you are still confused about the existence then best way to believe the existence of dharma is to live it.
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Q. How do you attain such a realization?(Attaining Supreme goal in Sanatana Dharma).

                  In order to achieve the supreme goal of life like science Hinduism proposes the hypothesis, lays down the method testing the hypothesis and leave it to the individual to draw their own conclusions. The whole culture of Hinduism practice on this principle only staring from ritual which manifest wealth, to practices and techniques which elevate one on their spiritual paths.
Hinduism ultimately offers the prospects of first-hand realization of God and not just vain beliefs. The different Rishis and masters have declared their experience of the ultimate. They have laid down the system of philosophy and practice behind it and thus allow in seeking individual to find that truth for themselves. So not only this is first hand, it is reproducible and universal to all of mankind. Although the Truth is accessible to all, it is important to make clear that not everybody is ready to achieve the supreme state of God realization. Many if not most, do not have the desire to embark on a spiritual path or more success and prosperity in the material world is seen as the ultimate goal of life. As result many people are unlikely to take up spiritual practices in any meaningful way.
As Krishna says: Out Of the many thousands in men, one can be an Endeavor for perfection, and those who have attained perfection, hardly anyone knows me in truth. (Gita.7.3)
Adi yogi
pic. A yogi in path of attaining Supreme goal

Why Hinduism Different?

                   Unlike Abrahamic religion people who do not speak truth are not condemned. Hinduism understands that there are different stages of spiritual growth, and people will engage with the tradition at their own level. we must remember god realization is not a part of time affair, it is not one transient experience among any other . It is the complete, core transformation  of who we are,an unimaginable state that dissolves everything else. hence such a state can take lifetimes of spiritual evolution to attain. The progress each soul makes is carried on from one life to the next. Hence the reason why some maybe born innately seeking truth and others not at all.
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